About Us

Mountain Hearth Village started with Sheridan Hill being magnetized to this land, a 5.5-acre homestead at the end of a short gravel driveway in the Crooked Creek area of McDowell County. The property faces South and Hickory Nut Mountain. In the fall of 2023, she felt the call to set about forming here an intentional community-lite, a pocket neighborhood with shared agreements. The land consists of beautiful sloping acreage with some gorgeous old growth trees that we will protect.

She created this website in January, 2024, (with help from Will Greenhouse in the UK), created a Mailchimp list in February, 2024, and in March, 2024 the below group was forming as Mountain Hearth and Friends.

Mountain Hearth & Friends, April 6, 2024: Malcolm, trusty canine friend, Sheridan, Larry, Don, Jane, Steve, and Ed.

About Sheridan Hill

My friend and Human Design maven Donna Rohlf calls me a Manifesting-Generator. All I can say is, I get visions that are both visual, auditory and contain extremely clear directives, and I use discernment and meditation before I act upon them. I have had that creator-manifestor energy since before I was born, it feels like, and now, as an elder, after a lifetime of acting instantly when those creative forces surged forth in me, now I dwell sumptuously with them with 100 percent patience.

The patience is easy, now, because I have a greater sense of how (choose your name here: God, Allah, the Tao, Spirit, the Energy that Creates Worlds) is dancing alongside me, before me, around me, behind me, above me and below me.

I grew up in Charlotte, NC, in the Queens Road area, attended App State for 3 years, homesteaded in Ashe County for some decades (shout out to my 3 golden-hearted kids), lived and worked in Winston-Salem (newspaper editor, public relations consultant, magazine writer), and moved to Black Mountain in 2003 because that is where my daughter was going to have my first grandchild. There, I served on and chaired the Black Mountain Planning Board for 4 years, served on and chaired the Black Mountain Urban Forestry Commission (then the town quietly got rid of it when COVID happened).

I founded and facilitated the Black Mountain Grief Circle for about 4 years, which I later renamed Healing Circle. I have always made pro bono videos for people and causes that address human suffering. I am one of the first 50 member-donor-volunteers of the Center for Conscious Living & Dying, and recently retired from the personal biography business I founded, Real Life Stories.

Last fall, a comet of energy landed in my solar plexus with the directive: Sheridan, it is time to plan for living in community. From that moment forward, I have been on a self-guided crash course in creating intentional community and began applying all the skills I have honed so far to that. As for who is the rest of the community, there are folks showing up on zooms, folks coming out to the land every week, and I am having some of the most important discussions of my life. Together, we are forming a future that will be one more much-needed model for how to live with more love for our neighbors, how to live more gently on Mother Earth. If this appeals to you, please reach out to me.

Let’s create a sustainable future that we may share

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